HomesksayurvedicROG NIDAN


College of Ayurveda in SKS International University, Mathura has Well-equipped diagnostic labs for practical training. There isAvailability of modern instruments for various diagnostic tests. Department has extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources on Rog Nidana and related fields.Departemnt has Clinical Facilities such as Diagnostic centers and labs for hands-on training also havingFacilities for conducting various diagnostic tests like blood tests, urine analysis, and imaging studies. Rog Nidan involves developing subtle skills of pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and other subjective methods to understand the subtle interactions between the body and mind in health and disease.

1.  Dr. Shashi Kant Chaturvedi Professor Rog Nidan avum Vikrati Vigyan
2..  Dr. BrijBehari Mishra Professor Rog Nidan avum Vikrati Vigyan
3. Dr. Anamika Reader Rog Nidan avum Vikrati Vigyan